Biodiversity Net Gain Specialists. Environmental impact expertise, making your industry or event even more spectacular!
Offering global support, wherever you are!
Protecting your brand
Protecting your reputation
Protecting the environment
Improving your sales process with positive PR and USP's
The sooner we're involved the bigger the benefits
Site specific solutions
Full ecological assessment & reporting
Biodiversity Net Gain Specialists
Supporting new & existing developments
Biodiversity & Carbon Offsetting
Construction companies often have an issue with bad press and public opinion when it comes to the sites they develop. Using Treemendous Solutions, your development site will become more environmentally diverse and prosperous than it was before you started. Ensuring you have achieved a Biodiversity Net Gain. Used in conjunction with your planning applications and PR spin, our involvement can make you go from zero to hero within the communities you look to serve.
We are experts when it comes to relocating all types of wildlife and existing plant life. Currently, during the construction process, these are destroyed to clear the land for development. With Treemendous Solutions onboard we will relocate, clone and germinate seeds from the plants on site. We will also look to relocate as much of the wildlife as is possible.
In the modern era it is more important to not only be seen to care about the environment but to be taking positive steps towards protecting and enhancing it. Practices which support this and achieving Environmentally Positive Status will mean that not only do you make a positive difference to the world we live in but you can utilise this as part of your marketing and sales strategies. Each premises receive certification and an ecological report on how beneficial and positive their property is. You will also of met and exceeded all legislative requirements.
Without your valued customers support and belief in all that you do, sales can get difficult. With Treemendous at the helm of creating positive PR and environmental impact you will not only impress your existing customer base, media and planning committees, but you will attract new business that you otherwise wouldn't, both B2B and B2C.
With any development that Treemendous support we attach Harras fencing banners so that the general public contact us with any queries or concerns they may have. This relieves pressure from you and your infrastructure. We can reassure and explain to the general public that this development is in a Biodiversity Net Gain and allay any fears they may have. We can also invite them to plant tree's locally so they realise that this is not a box ticking exercise, it is adding real value to the local environment.
As experts in being able to offset both carbon footprints and environmental damage, Treemendous can ensure that your development no matter how far along it is, can achieve a Biodiversity Net Gain, through Carbon & Biodiversity Offsetting! We do this in an array of ways to ensure a broad and diverse range of environmental improvements are made. Through germinating, growing and planting trees, shrubs and flowers, to supporting wildlife breeding & reintroduction projects.
Carbon & Biodiversity Offsetting Made Easy.
Attaining Environmentally Positive Status is truly remarkable. It signifies that, through your project on a designated site, you've generated more plant life and biodiversity than previously existed. Achieving Biodiversity Net Gain! In essence, you've enhanced habitats for wildlife while preserving as much of the original flora and fauna as possible. Each premises will receive certification detailing the environmental contributions of their new building. The earlier we engage on-site, the greater the impact we can achieve. This proactive approach can facilitate planning applications, garner community support, reassure environmental advocates, and demonstrate your commitment to sustainability. Ultimately, this practice accelerates sales and attracts a diverse range of customers who may not have considered your offerings previously.
Easily integrate Environmentally Positive Status into your planning documentation, sales and marketing material. Utilising actual data showing the positive impact you have made to each property. You can also show how you have achieved a Biodiversity Net Gain . Showing you have met both legal requirements and that you care about the local environmental impact of your development.
We log, remove and relocate all plant life that is reasonable to do so
You will have created more life & habitats than was onsite originally
For seed-bearing trees, early engagement is crucial, preferably at the point of acquisition. This allows us ample time to collect seeds from all seed-bearing plants and trees on-site. Once collected, we germinate and nurture the seeds to maturity, with the aim of planting them locally. This ensures a plentiful supply of new plants and trees, thanks to your development. An oak tree, for example, which might have seldom seen its seeds reach maturity, will now yield hundreds of trees ready for planting.
We will relocate as much of the wildlife on your site as possible to an equally or more suitable location
We will take multiple cuttings from all plant life and bring them on to a healthy size before planting them elsewhere. We will also germinate hundreds of seeds from trees, bushes and flowers from the development site and plant them locally when feasible to do so.
To find out more and to benefit from our support lets have a chat.
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